Sunday, November 7, 2010

Give Away Announcement, Stash Enhancement, Sewing Machine Enhancement, and JudyL's Knit Along

Since I have been working on flower garden quilts, I thought I would have a give away for some vintage flower garden blocks from the late 20's to the early 30's.  There is enough to make a small doll quilt or wall quilt, or maybe something else you can think of.  There are 6 of them, and they measure about 9 inches.  I will keep the giveaway open until Wednesday night when I get home from work. 

I just received 400 yards of good quilt cotton.  It was from an estate, and they were just going to toss it in the garbage, so I brought it home.  I will take pictures as I put it away.  A friend of my mother's gave me a Singer 301a and its a long bed mocha, in pristine condition, and includes all the attachments that were available for purchase in 1951, which is the date according the serial number.  The case is perfect to follow in a couple weeks, when I actually have time to look at it!

Now about the Knit Along, I finished the matching sock to the one in the previous post.  The next set of socks have been casted on, and the first sock is almost complete, the heel is turned, the gusset decreases are done, and I am almost to the toes.  Pictures to follow tomorrow, when I am not so tired.


  1. It's good you did all that purging earlier in the year so you have room for this new haul of fabric. It's hard to believe that people would just throw all that fabric away. Guess they don't realize there are always church groups and charity sewers who could make good use of it. We know you will put it to good use or find it a good home where it will be used. Have you heard about how the higher raw cotton prices this year will be driving up the price of fabric?

  2. Jay, I must say things are going your way. The fabric sounds wonderful for you and your projects.
    Knitting is one thing I could never get the hang of as I write left handed and do most everything else with the right hand, Therefore, I have the right brain/ left brain going on..
    The blocks sound nice as well. if you don't mind add my mname to the drawing.
    I own a mocha 301 a with all the stuff and it is a dream.. have a black one as well, just the 301, which means it was not made in Anderson, SC. May you have many yesrs of bonding with it..

  3. old blocks--wouldn't they make a wonderful small quilt for on the wall?? Oh count me in please.

  4. I am captivated by your delicate use of the word 'enhancement', very classy. Knitting is on a par with applique, Miss Henrietta declines.

  5. Well Henrietta I just couldn't bring myself to use the word H O A R D E R...


  6. hehe--ask Henrietta where she stores HER stash? And has she found the batik backing yet??n Oh oh, she's going to whap me along side my head! Hope she doesn't read this......

  7. That girl needs a good slap upside de haid.
    I keep my stash in tubs, more or less organized by color and type. I have to use tubs because we live in a dust bowl, four years of drought do that to you. I can't keep dust out, there is a thin layer again all over everything within an hour of cleaning.

    I have mislaid 3 yards of 108" wide backing fabric. Probably in a bag, most likely in the wrong tub. Maybe tomorrow I will have time to go through them because I know its here, somewhere.

    Oh and did I mention we have been mid remodel for the last ten years? I have 2000 square feet of Pergo piled up in my living room.

  8. PS come visit my other blog! Click on the profile link.

  9. I enjoy using old blocks in quilts. My mother made a quilt we call "Leftovers I" and I made "Leftovers II". Each were king sized so we are out of leftovers for now. If win these, we can make "Leftovers III". You are so fortunate to have saved all those yards of fabric. Wish we had a metal Singer tank - ours had too much plastic (1973) and recently stopped working. Enjoyed the humor in your blog on this first visit. Don't remember how I found my way here.
