Friday, December 9, 2011


Everyone knows that I love to read.  One of my all time favorite authors, and one from Nebraska is Bess Streeter Aldrich.  She was born in Iowa, but moved to Nebraska as a new wife.  After her husbands early death, and needed a way to support her family she turned to writing.  She mainly wrote fiction, and some of that fiction was based on her own parents and grandparents experiences.  They often had a tinge of romance, but there was also death and how people dealt with it.

I do own all her books, most of them are paperback reprints from the University of Nebraska Press. However, this  year for my birthday, a friend gave me a first edition with a dust jacket of A Lantern in Her Hand.  Which was also the One Book One Nebraska a couple years ago.  I was so excited to have gotten it!

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